Monday, December 14, 2015

Report from the December 13, 2015 session

Another year of piano music has come to a close with the last session of 2015. A group gathered at John's home and played the following pieces, which included a number of seasonal arrangements:

Round 1
- Karin: “Polonaise in G minor”  by F. Chopin (Op. B.1) (composed when he was 7!)
- Sebastien: “Untitled”, own composition
- Greg: “Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring” by J.S. Bach
- Irina: “Waltz” by F. Chopin  (Op. 69 #2)
- Janice S: “Invention no. 6” by J. S. Bach (BWV 777)
- Amieke: “Berceuse” by F. Chopin (Op. 57)
- Francine: “Homecoming” by Hagood Hardy
- Winnie: “O Holy Night” by A. Adam
- John: “10 composers in 6 minutes” -arrangement of “Jingle Bells” in the styles of 10 composers.

Round 2
- Greg: “Prelude in D, #4 of Six little Preludes” by J. S. Bach
- Sebastien: Improvisation on “Misty” by Errol Garner
- Amieke: “Novelette in C major”: by F. Poulenc
- Janice S: “ Invention no. 8” by J. S. Bach (BWV 779)
- Irina: “Italian Polka” by S. Rachmaninoff
- Sebastien: Improvisation on “Stompin’ at the Savoy” by Edgar Sampson
- John: “Sweet Holiness”, own composition

If your resolutions for the new year include playing more piano, or getting more comfortable playing in front of a small audience of like-minded peers, join us in 2016! For details, see the About the Ottawa Piano Group link at the side of this page.