Wednesday, October 9, 2019

We are adding additional group meetings!

New performance meetings being added.

Based on our recent poll, there has been very strong support for increasing the number of meetings.

The plan is start with two sessions per month in January.  We will evaluate the success in summer, 2020. 
Here are some of the ground rules that we will be following:
  • The meetings will typically be on the first Sunday afternoon and third Sunday afternoon of each month.
  • The expectation is that you would attend one session or the other in a month and not both.  
  • We will be staying with only one meeting in the months of July, August and December.  The first two months typically have lower attendance due to vacations. December is a time with other social activities.
  • We will only have one meeting in those months which have larger venues such as at Ottawa Pianos and the Steinway Gallery.
Members have been sent a doodle poll so that can volunteer to host meetings.
The full list of meetings will be posted on this site.  Doodle polls will be circulated to members so that they can sign up for meetings.

Remember: sign-up for at most one meeting in each calendar month.