Here’s what was played:
- Gregory: Solace, by Scott Joplin
- Martin: Passacaglia, by G. F. Handel
- Karin: Prelude #4, by C. Debussy
- Natalie: Sonata in E flat major 1st mov, by F. Schubert
- Jeff: Aux Cypres de la villa d’este, by F. Liszt
- Wesley: Piano Sonata #8 2nd and 3rd mov, by L. V. Beethoven
- David: Fantasie Impromptu middle section, by F. Chopin
- Kathy: Sonatas K32 and K9, by D. Scarlatti
- Kunhwa: Barcarolle Op. 65 #5, by C. V. Alkan
- Gregory: Great Crush Collision March, by Scott Joplin
- Martin: James Bond theme by Monty Norman; theme song to Goldfinger by John Barry; and theme song to Live and Let Die by Paul McCartney
- Wesley: Adagio in F minor, by Joseph Bologne (Chevalier de St. Georges)
- Natalie: Prelude & Fugue BWV 875, by J. S Bach
- Jeff: Preludes Op. 11 #2, Op. 17 #3 and Op. 18 #10, by A. Scriabin
- Karin: Prelude in G flat major, by A. Scriabin
- David: Solfeggio in D major, by J. F. C. Bach
- Kunhwa: Ballade No. 1 Op. 23, by F. Chopin
“Fyi, I received this through one of the listservs I am on related to cognition. It is a larger scale study supporting the positive impact of playing a musical instrument on different aspects of cognition (working memory for example). Findings comment on the value of this in "older adults" as well - in summary, we should keep playing!”